Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Minus one

So Math went off to work at Layang Layang. Wont be seeing him around here for months. Known him since we were 5. The chicken however will be coming back next month. Woohoo!

Recently watched two movies which were rather interesting.



For Book of Eli, I have always been waiting for a wasteland movie and I must say I wasnt disappointed. The action was good. Fighting with a knife makes things more personal compared to shooting with a gun. As for the book, its none other than the Holy Bible. Love how he would go through the waste land carrying the Bible for 30 years just by following the voice of God. "For we walk by faith not by sight" But there is a big debatable matter. Is he really blind in the movie? Well, the Bible he was carrying is in Braille and near the end of the movie, the camera zooms in up close to show that his eyes are silvery white. However, there are so many things in the movie where it is impossible to accomplish without sight. Like how he beat those guys and never stumbles when he walks. How he knew the corpse had fine leather boots.

Soloman Kane is great too. It has a Van Helsing feel to it. Ya know, the hat and gun = witch slayer? Its great to see a one man army. Hence the name Solo Man Can = SMC. Yes he will send you to SMC if you mess with him. The best part for me is at the beginning where his men says "There are devils here!" and he says "In here, I am the devil!" So throughout the movie he is hunted down by demons yet just like Book of Eli, they dont say WHY he is hunted down by demons and why his soul is Damned. I am guessing he made a pact for power but I still wish they had shown that.

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