After witnessing Naya take the first place at Worlds, it really made me want to give Naya a shot again. After all, it was my second deck after Grixis. Didnt do too well on Sunday. Scored the sixth place. Sad. Sideboards never came out. Made a BIG mistake when playing against Mike's control deck. Should have popped is Luminarch Ascension with my Pridemage. 2-1 Playing against Ben, my fallouts never came out and neither did my Stag. When Blood witch hit the table, it was over. Didn't have a solution for that huge flier. A pro white 4/4 Vampire with flying? Macam mana mahu urus tu benda? 2-1

If I was playing Jund, I could have gone Terminate or Bit Blast it to bits. Oh well, lesson well learned. Its back to the drawing board. If nothing good comes, its back to Jund then.

Met with Captain Rolando Barba. Glad to hear his high blood pressure has improved. He sounds more malaysian now. Haha! Its great talking to him. This is how our conversation went.
Paul! Oh, you cant recognize me anymore? So now you are being arrogant just because you have become handsome?
Eh, Sir didnt see you! When did you come back to KK?
Last week, going back to GGIFA tomorrow. Alvin and the gang will be graduating next year in February.
Laju la oh, they have taken their CPL?
Oh, Most likely. They will be doing their twin engine probably by January.
The flying school has lots of instructors now. I had an offer to go to Terrenganu but malas la aku. Jauh la oh!
Better salary?
12k! I can buy a sports car! But too far! Tidaklah. Sarawak is better, I can be closer to my wife and baby in KK.
Yah true.
I tell you, now there are alot of scholarships being offered to join GGIFA. Just give me an sms if you are interested. I know the person giving out the scholarships. Belanja him two cans of Tiger, habis cerita. Rugi la oh, you are the best student but you cant fly just because of your eyes.
Well sir, that is life. I want to fly too sir but my eyes la oh.
Hehehe, just try la oh. If you can pass the medical by flukeshot, you get to be a pilot for free! The guys miss you lah oh. Everyday eating Pau and drinking Malta.
I miss them too sir. Great to hear they will be graduating soon.
Oh, look at who trained them? (points at himself)
We talked more about his life there. He is always great at conversations. Just wished he wouldn't drink so much. I miss those guys and how we would joke about marrying a rich woman to pay our pilot fees. Open up a newspaper and point at some YB's wife while saying "Kau tengok lah, kalau saya khawin dia, tidak paya fikir bank loan sudah"