Friday, December 4, 2009

A Harmless Demeanor

Well, thats the second time now I have been stopped by the cops and they didn't ask for my IC and license. I could have ten kilos of drugs in my trunk and they would just let me pass. Okay thats kindda pushing it. Reminds me of one time my friend told me about how he used to sell drugs. He made tons of money then but he himself got addicted to the drugs. Well, as a drug trader, you have to sample the merchandise from the supplier before you market it out to make sure you are dealing with genuine merchandise. Anyway, I asked him

"Kau tidak takut ka kedapatan? "

"eh tidak lah"

"camanalah kalau kedapatan?"

"gantung sampai mati saja bah"

"adedeh, sanggup kau!"

"tiada apa2 bah itu, hari hari kau training gantung diri. Kalau boleh tahan 1 jam, boleh lah tu!"

It was a joke of course but his addiction to drugs was no joke. Shabu to be exact. He had to take alcohol to purge his addiction for the drug. After 2 months of Montoku style rehabilitation, he managed to kick the habit but now he is an alcoholic. After being away from HON for quite a while, I guess I didn't do too bad tonight. Its a class reunion tomorrow. Just like old times, I doubt a crowd will show. It will be the same old faces. Ada saja alasan hangat such as

"Alaa kau last minute bagitahu"

"Saya ada urusan nih"

"Boleh tukar hari? Tidak dapat lah"

"Anjing saya mati tadi, tiada mood keluar"

"Saya malu bah"

"Siapa siapa pergi? Itu saja ka? Alaa, tidak paya lah"

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