Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nu Book!

I received my one and only birthday present this year from Trenssy. The novel which I have been anticipating whole year titled 'Test of Metal' Finished that book and damn the ending was no disappointment. I was very pleased with how it ended. Its lets go Mirrodin! The next book Im looking forward to reading is the Blood Angels Omnibus. From the synopsis I can tell its gonna be one hell of a ride for the Blood Angels and this civil war.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dark Eldar minis

Been away from the blog for quite awhile. Been stuck at home for quite a while now. Almost fell sick the other day but managed to recover the next day. Life is too good to be spent in bed. Been missing out a lil on my workout due to my schedule now.


I miss playing HON with the guys. Now its Warhammer and Magic on weekends. My HON skills are going down the drain. =( PSR tidak pandai sampai sampai 1.6 Damn talking about Warhammer, the new Dark Eldar minis are insayyyyyne!

Urien Rakarth

They dont look toooo hard to paint compared to their cousins Eldar. I want them for Christmas! hahahaha.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I watched Eclipse and it didn't disappoint me as much as the first 2. Cut out the kissing hugging and kissing kissing and hugging scenes and it wont be so bad. I am kindda disappointed about how team Edward arent actually Werewolves but more like shape shifters. Its still cool come to think of it but but but they are not Werewolves!

So I finally got my hands on some magic cards I need and I must say that Vampires are awesome. Even if you lose, you lose with style!
Got my hands on these babies.

The badass Sorin Markov

Light Bulb!

Been away from my blog for quite a while now.
This year the movies I watched have been pretty good. People are stepping their game up and making better stuff.
Despicable Me has got to be one of them.

This movie *sigh* This movie right here has got to be the cutest thing I have
watched on the big screen. Yellow minions and all. Damn I want some too. The archenemy of the main character has got to be the most evil nerd I have seen with his Squid gun and Piranha gun. Yes a Squid gun people. There was a scene in the movie where I was the only guy laughing in the whole cinema. There was a scene where Agnes toy unicorn got smoked by a laser gun and she demanded a new one. Gru orders his minions to go get one and they go off to the mall with "style" So they come back later and yes the thing in their hand may look like a Unicorn but its actually a brush for the toilet bowl! Apparently nobody saw it == A friend in Penang was saying how people went nuts in the cinema when they saw it. Anybody who says Despicable Me is lame should just seek help.

Friday, June 25, 2010


This has gotta be the best action movie I have watched. It was amazing how comedy and action blended so well in this movie. Flying tanks. Damn! I would recommend this to anybody. Had me on the edge of my seat when they did a loop in a chopper. In a CHOPPER!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Prince of Pecah

So Prince of Persia is in the books for me. The movie was awesome. It doesnt get any better than that when it comes to story line. Really powerful. If you havent watched it then you gotta watch and if you have watched it then you gotta watch it one more time. With so many eye catching breath taking scenes, Im sure there must have been a thing or two you missed.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Gotta be stronger

Both in strength and in spirit. I have been working out very hard recently. I am out of shape. If you are 6 foot and you cant dunk, you are not fit enough.

Been doing suicide drills in the morning. These are a killer. I have been doing my bench presses and working those weights.

Time to get back in shape. With both Rain and Usher as my fitness motivation, I aim to have a body like that by the end of this year. Why these guys? For now, I am content being ripped. Getting super huge is just too clumsy for me. I am already clumsy enough.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Yes boys and girls, always stretch. I always make sure I stretch before I ball, I stretch before I work out and I stretch before I dance. Stretching is always overlooked as unnecessary and a waste of time. As I grow older, my body is no longer the same as it was 5 years ago. Stretching becomes more vital as time goes by. I have a friend who loves basketball. He is really young like about 16? Recently I heard him walking down the stairs and his ankles were creaking. Damn. I immediately asked him

Do you warm up?

Is it important?

Yes! Listen to your legs!

Ya oh

Do you wear shoes?

No shoes I play basketball barefooted


(Out of the kindness of my heart I gave him a pair of shoes I recently bought which I planned to use for jogging)

So boys and girls, STRETCH!

before you run
before you dance
before you ball
before you workout
before you bump and grind

You may feel nothing now when you are young. When you get older, you will feel it when you try to get out of bed.

Sneaks and kicks

Anybody who knows me will know I love basketball. Started balling at 14 with my neighbor Emrys Gau. Damn. We started off with slippers and we didnt really bother untill we started playing with bigger kids and we were like "Damn! we need shoes!" Well, we kindda sucked that time and we placed the blame on our foot gear. So we started wearing our school shoes to play ball. They werent the best choice but we didnt really have anything else better to wear. It wasnt until I was 17 when I decided it was time I got myself a REAL pair or basketball shoes. It wasnt anything to shout about. Picked em up at a Bata store. I wore my shoes straight to the court that day and was playing ball like a goof. Wasnt really used to them yet. So all these years I have gone through shoe after shoe and I have never really complained about any of them. They just wore out too fast for me. Either the sole went out first or the body just ripped. Till this day I really dont know if it was my footwork, the court or the shoes to blame. They barely lasted a year. I have bought over 5 pairs of basketball shoes till this day.

So recently my shoes ripped again and I decided that all my life I have been wearing these shoes prices ranging from 70-100 ringgit. I decided it was about time I treated my self to my first Nike. Here it is.

All my life I have never bothered to notice the difference between basketball shoes. All the times I have been playing ball, I have always been playing the center position . Its cool being the center of attention but that's not what really happens for the guy playing the center position in a basketball game. Whats a center you ask? The tallest DUDE on his team. Its boring. I didnt want to be the last resort. I wanted speed. I wanted to be agile. I wanted to fast break, do cross overs and ankle breakers. So BAM! I went with these. Lower ankle guards and lighter body. Now I am hoping they last longer than they expect.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dick Riding

I find this is terrible how some people cant have their life go on without the presence of some people to the fact they have to suck up to the person. Should that person die, you are screwed. Leverage is one thing, Dick riding is another thing. People dick ride big shots, dick riding people they call their friends and dick riding for transport, dick riding for a pay, dick riding for a name and dick riding for fame. Get on your feet and stop dick riding today.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What makes a GOOD game and a GREAT game?

Anybody who knows me will surely know I’m an avid gamer.


Anyway, I have always wanted to write about what makes a game great and what doesn’t. Here is a list of the games I played for the past ten years.

2000 - Star Craft

2001 - Pokemon

2002 - Counter Strike
- Ragnarok Online
- Elysium Online

2003 - RYL 2
- Warcraft 3 (Both Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne)

2004-2009 - DOTA
- COD 4
- L4D
- Fallout 2
- Granado Espada
- Maple Story
- Lineage 2
- Perfect World
- Celestial Destroyer
- Red Cliff
- Dawn of war
- Generals

2010 - World of Warcraft

Now games are games and I agree that one mans meat is another mans poison. However one should never forget that all meat do not taste the same. So what does it take to make a GREAT game?


So what catches your eye first when it comes to games? Graphics. I love my game with nice graphics. I have played games with awesome graphics to name such as Lineage 2 and Granado Espada. Korean games have the best graphics for MMOs. As for first person shooters, HALO, Half Life 2 and COD 4 have superb graphics to name. Graphics however is not the determining factor. In terms of MMOs, Granado Espada and Lineage 2 beat World of Warcraft by miles. Yet WOW is still on top. Do graphics matter? HALO, Half life 2, L4D and COD 4 have SUPER graphics an average graphic card would get you nowhere in their game. Counter Strike however has poor graphics if you think about it. Yet it is always the core game in every tournament.


There are two kinds of DEPTH. One is for the story line; the other is for the game play. When we talk about real time strategy games, why is it only Star Craft and War Craft are mentioned? Other games like Generals and Dawn of war barely made any names. Red Alert and AOE did but they are ancient! Star Craft came out in 1998 and is still the hottest game in Korea because of its depth. Its almost the national sport there to the point it comes out on TV so often. I love Dawn Of War don't get me wrong. I have known Warhammer since 1999 and it is awesome. Yet these games fall short due to the lack of a SOLID storyline. Why is WarCraft so BIG? With over ten million subscribers, Blizzard is making money rain.
Marketing on a strong story line, it is only right to call it the number one game in the world. With so much lore and how the main characters are connected to each other, it is what keeps players always coming back for more. This is what makes the games last. DEPTH. Most FPS games do not have a story line which often makes it run dry rather fast. HALO and COD do have story lines yet the story line has no DEPTH. Valve insists that L4D has a story line yet if it requires the producers to “insist” that there is a story line, is there really a story line then? Even so, zombies and survivors with guns just sound so Resident Evil. It becomes cliche and not original. Games just being fun alone are insufficient as they can only draw attention but not gamers.


DOTA has been the hottest public game worldwide since 2004. Just a glance at it, NOBODY will know what is going on. This is called DEPTH. In First person shooter (FPS) games, everybody knows what is going on just from a glance. Man with gun in hand, all he needs to do is shoot the opposing team, they die, and he wins. Zombies come, I kill them, I survive, and I win. There is no DEPTH here.


DEPTH has often been argued to affect the learning curve of a game. This is true but this creates what we call VARIATION. Why do FPS games run out of gas and are known no more in such a short time? Who talks about DOOM or QUAKE anymore? The variation is very little. It is so little it often becomes PREDICTABLE. Over time, being PREDICTABLE leads to boring and this period of time varies according to players.


From 2004-this day, DOTA is still the most played game in cyber cafes. Why? Here are two simple reasons.

1. Long learning curve. Some players have been playing it for 5 years yet have barely mastered the game.

2. Unpredictable. No two games are the same. With over a hundred heroes to choose from, you can expect a lot of variation. This provides something fresh in every game which makes players constantly come back for more. Based on the equation above, Its almost impossible for it to reach the BORING level as it is unpredictable.


Now when I talk about balance, its about being fair to both sides. Be it between players or between players and NPCs (Non playable characters)
Players often despise games that are unbalanced. For example, at one point in some online games, a certain class would be totally overpowered and there would be no way to overcome it. Like the Assassin Cross in Ro. In free to play online games such as Perfect World, there were players who were more gifted in the wallet sector and pumped characters with cash items making their characters unbeatable. This is not balance. Why does WOW still stand? They are pay to play which first of all ensures maturity in the game. With this, there is balance. It is only a question of how much time one can invest in the game. Even DOTA is constantly checking for signs of imbalance where a character can become overpowered without any effort. Hence, nerfing comes in. Some cry some rejoice but its all for the greater good.


Most people think that complicated games are stupid hence they go for less complicated games. It is in most people’s natures to reject things that do not come by easy for them. The learning curve is often debated about how it should be gentle in order to lure the crowd. This holds some truth. World of WarCraft has one of the most gentle learning curves among all the MMOs I have played.. Simplest learning curves are found in FPS games while some of the longest learning curves are found in real time strategy games and most MMOs. Dota by far has the longest learning curve among all the games I have played. Gamers are often attracted to it right away but this often makes it hard to attract new players to it as they have to go through so much theory they just give up and call the game pointless as it has so much requirements and they play games for fun only. But it’s like sugar. Its almost impossible to resist with how it supplies fun in so many different shapes and sizes and how it can cater to almost any appetite.


So what does grinding really mean?


Now where can we constantly see grinding? An example would be Lineage 2 and basically any Korean MMO out there. They can sit for hours whacking the same mob just to get to the next level. Nobody likes grinding yet it often comes in different forms that we cannot see. One example would be Left for dead. The game play doesn’t change much over time. The horde never changes; the only thing that can spike the game’s excitement is the appearance of the elite in the game. The tank, spitter, charger, etc etc etc. Other than that? The meta game is already solved. Stick, grab shotguns, determine the tanker and you are good to go.

I wont talk much about this part. Its simple really. In order to get to the masses, you have to supply the masses what they want but according to what they can receive. Games that require powerful graphic cards are normally pointless. Goes back to prove how graphics do not determine everything.


One must know the striking difference between a PLAYER and a GAMER. A person who plays games alone is not a GAMER but just a PLAYER. Trying to obtain advice and recommendations for games from these people is pointless. They will just give you a game which they think is fun. A GAMER however, is the absolute asshole when it comes to picking games. He/She will reject any game which doesn’t cater to his or her needs. However, a GAMER will evaluate a game if it is worth their time, giving it a benefit of the doubt before rejecting it. GAMERs have an instinct and it is called THE GAMERS INSTINCT. Throw any game at them and they will abuse whatever exploit available. This is why GAMERS are often called in by game companies to test play their games and give feedback. This level of testing is vital yet often neglected. It takes a lot of elements for a Good game to become a GREAT game. Producers at S2 saw the power of DOTA's DEPTH and wasted no time making HON. An online game with cooler graphics and rather similar game play.


Sunday, March 28, 2010


Yes, rain is finally here! No I am not talking about the Korean RnB pop sensation Mr Rain

but rather how its finally raining in Sabah after such a long drought. It was so hot in Sabah at one time. Your fan just couldnt do the job of cooling your room. You just had to get an air con or sleep in the fridge. The drought was intense. Bush fires about twice a week. DBKK had to go around hydrating the trees so they wont go up in flames. The rivers were actually drying up too. Without the rivers, Sabah will be out of power. Running on the hydroelectricity alone is bad when the drought comes around. Oh well at least it is raining now.

datang lagi lawak searching for a Rain God. Bah siapa mahu derma dua anak?

Now about Rain the RnB pop sensation. Cant wait for his upcoming album. Hope its gonna be fire. Highly anticipated BACK TO THE BASIC

Waking the world

So with the Worldwake prerelease over, the metagame is still sooo random at eh KK Magic scene. So, with Jund again taking the top spot at the PRO TOUR, looks like its gonna be a tough guy to beat for now. Its amazing to see some veterans attempting control. the Blue white control deck to be exact. Its quite nice actually. I just dont like the idea of Iona sheild of Emeria in the deck.

The deck is pretty expensive though. Running a playset of Jace the mind sculptor. That bloody card costs over a hundred ringgit and a playset alone is already almost five hundred ringgit.

This deck has what it takes to go against simple aggro decks. Jund? I dont know. With a playset of Day of Judgement and two Martial coups, it will have you feeling


Gonna try out my own version. Minus Jace though. Will be playing Sphinx of Jwar Isle instead of Iona.

Most Worldwake cards are kindda sad, The best card has got to be Jace. Thats all. Aint it sad that there is only 1 good card in the entire set? Got a playset of Loam lion.


Damn strong. Thinking of running it in a standard Zoo deck though that is kindda impossible =( Its hard when you dont have them fetch lands.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Minus one

So Math went off to work at Layang Layang. Wont be seeing him around here for months. Known him since we were 5. The chicken however will be coming back next month. Woohoo!

Recently watched two movies which were rather interesting.



For Book of Eli, I have always been waiting for a wasteland movie and I must say I wasnt disappointed. The action was good. Fighting with a knife makes things more personal compared to shooting with a gun. As for the book, its none other than the Holy Bible. Love how he would go through the waste land carrying the Bible for 30 years just by following the voice of God. "For we walk by faith not by sight" But there is a big debatable matter. Is he really blind in the movie? Well, the Bible he was carrying is in Braille and near the end of the movie, the camera zooms in up close to show that his eyes are silvery white. However, there are so many things in the movie where it is impossible to accomplish without sight. Like how he beat those guys and never stumbles when he walks. How he knew the corpse had fine leather boots.

Soloman Kane is great too. It has a Van Helsing feel to it. Ya know, the hat and gun = witch slayer? Its great to see a one man army. Hence the name Solo Man Can = SMC. Yes he will send you to SMC if you mess with him. The best part for me is at the beginning where his men says "There are devils here!" and he says "In here, I am the devil!" So throughout the movie he is hunted down by demons yet just like Book of Eli, they dont say WHY he is hunted down by demons and why his soul is Damned. I am guessing he made a pact for power but I still wish they had shown that.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good decesions beats probability

So today I bought myself a pair of goggles. After a decade without swimming. Finally decided to hit the pool today. Didnt do too bad. Did 4 100 meter laps. Was almost dead on the last one. I need my stamina back. Im a useless piece of crap as of now. Heres my equation.


Recently two human behaviors have caught my attention.

It is how when certain humans are not deaf yet certain instruction is inaudible to them. Its amazing how the "awesome" human minds can switch frequencies like a radio. When they are on one, it is impossible to receive anything from other frequencies. For example, when A is watching the television, the sense of sight and hearing has been used and when B comes along to talk to A, unless he/she switches his/her frequency, nothing B says will be registered. So what if A chooses NOT to switch his/her frequency when B only has the time to announce a warning only once then runs off? A = GG

This in particular is rather fascinating. I have seen countless of these and the numbers climb. No remedy is known yet for this. It is how a human would whine and complain about a problem he/she faces and how the the problem completely conflicts with his/her dogma yet does nothing to fix it. The problem drags on and often it becomes worse yet he/she still remains steadfast about doing nothing about it saying that it is a win win solution for both parties. The victim's human companions naturally by instinct offer words of advice and various alternative solutions to the victim yet still the victim is still stubborn and against any form of finding a solution yet still whines and complains.

If I determined how Moral is taught in schools, the future generations could live in houses without gates leaving both car doors and house doors unlocked yet sleep soundly at night.

ANYWAY, enough analysis of human behavior.

This is week 2 without HON. I hate games which are like a dice roll. The joy you obtain from playing the game has a probability to it. On a dice roll for HON it would look like this.

123 = win

456 = lose

YET if you roll 123, there is another dice roll!

12 = happy

3456 = stressed out AKA Nget Sai.

WOW still makes sense when the real world doesn't. My Hunter on world of warcraft is stuck at level 70. Gonna buy Wrath of the Lich King soon. Just waiting for the right time. havemt got enough time on my hands to sit down and grind to level 80. NO I will not play a Death Knight. Useless hero class. Lousy tank in a party and can barely top Warriors at damage. Some hero class eh.

(I less than three you)

Friday, February 19, 2010

7 days aint enough

Chin came back for one week and left. Damn. At least last night we had a great time together playing Frozen Throne.

Chin - Undead
Me - Night Elves
Alex - Night Elves
Mat - Human
Low - Orc

Its a pity Ezra wasn't around. Tulah kau Dusun! Always balik kampung. Mat and I should have played either Orc or Undead so that we could be shouting


Good times. Cant wait to see that chinese fellow again when he comes back again for holidays. We didnt do much together due to busy schedules. All we did was play games, a movie, and more games. Sigh. 2010 has been pretty neutral. Hopefully things pick up soon.
Gonn try out a new sport soon. Swimming. My basketball shoes ripped and I cant find my size here in KK which means I wont be in bird mode on the court. So until then its fish mode in the water. Havent been in the water for almost a decade now. Since I outgrew my swimming trunks and I lost my goggles.

The water calls my name,
its flirting with me,
so I shall do the same,
in the water I wanna be,

Recently started listening to stuff by 2AM. They have not been really heard of until recently. JYP was too busy to promote them I guess. Being the more ballad and
soulful compared to their upbeat and loud label mates from 2PM. 2AM has it in them to go the distance. Now all they need is a hit.

The best stuff I heard recently. "Mawi World" on mineral water bottles. I wont buy mineral water just because it has his face on a Spritzer bottle! How about somebody like Jason Derulo or even Sean Kingston? Yeah, throw on a pic of good ol Sean Kingston showing a thumbs up with a word bubble saying "Water like a melody" or maybe "Cool like fire!" Jason could do that too with him wearing sunglasses and a songkok with catchy phrases such as

"Water say?"

"When the roof caved in, water came out!"

"Wa wa wa water she say?"

"Mmmineral water she say?"

All I have

verse 1
Wish I could get you pretty clothes,
Wish I could get you a nice necklace,
then date you in an expensive car,
and travel with you to nice places,

Yet the wallet in my pocket is dusty,
The paint on the ATM card has faded,
What can I do to impress you?
A man like me is not worthy of you,

All I can do is wish for you,
all I can ever do is miss you,
all I have is this song to ask,
Will you ever be mine?

should this ever make you laugh,
at least I know I made you smile,
even all I am is never enough,
even when I walk the extra mile,

verse 2
Wish I could tell you how I feel,
and show you that I am for real,
dont mind even if your answer is no,
I can live knowing that now you know,

as much as I want you to be with me,
as much as you want the finer things,
yet you are not too blind to see,
that I cant give you all of these,

All I can do is wish for you,
all I can ever do is miss you,
all I have is this song to ask,
Will you ever be mine?

should this ever make you laugh,
at least I know I made you smile,
even all I am is never enough,
even when I walk the extra mile,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rasa Kau Tahun Baru Cina

What a boring Saturday. Car's battery went dead the other day and I had to get it changed. set me back by Rm 310. Zzz. World wake was bad. I dont even want to know what comes in the next one. Storm might come back. I dont know. No mood for anything though lately. Recently played Frozen Throne. haha! Its awesomee I tell you. I remember the times I would skip class to play that game wayyyy back in 2003. Feeling young just by talking about it. Here is the new chant.




Well, tomorrow is the big CNY. Still hoping for red packets at this age. I have no shame of expecting. Free money is free money.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Caustic Finale

I still remember playing truant back in school just to go play War Craft 3 Frozen throne. It was the most awesome game ever back then. We always played on Ice Crown. That was back in 2003. That time Frozen Throne just came out and it was hot. War Craft had the best plot twists in its story line. At the end, Prince Arthas defeated Illidan in Northrend and became the Lich King. Illidan, Lady Vashj and Prince Kaelthas retreated to the Out lands.

7 years later in World of Warcraft, the Lich King is finally slain by Tirion Fordring. A good frind of his former mentor Uther the lightbringer. What an epic battle. In the war, Lady Sylvannas is almost killed as a handful of forsaken go rogue and wipe out the Horde and Alliance alike at the gates of Ice Crown. For 7 years Arthas ruled as the Lich King and now dies. I cant wait to see what will happen to the Scourge without their leader. In the 7 years, these few people with the greed for power finally meet their doom.

Arthas is killed by Tirion Fordring

Illidan is killed by Maeive Shadowsong

Prince Kaelthas is killed by Any random group who wants to pawn him.

War Craft has been the best game over the past few years. It doesnt stop at Dota. No it will live on.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

C and Y

CNY is here again. Oh yeah. Nothing much to look forward to. As you age, the chances of you receiving red packets tends to dip.
Sigh, as you grow older, the world seems to grow colder.

Currently been listening to songs by 2PM such as
1. I was Crazy about you
2. All night long
3. Back to you
4. Gimme the light

those guys are awesome. Its just a pity they are one man short since Jay left.
Those guys sound great even with auto tune. On the other hand, I dont feel the same about all the other artists who use auto tune.
Lets start of with talking about auto tune. Its that robotic voice that was made famous by T Pain. I dont approve of artists using it before proving they have any solid form of talent especially new cats like Sean Kingston and Jason Derulo. Yes. Currently their two hit singles "Shawty like a melody" and "Whatcha say" has been playing from speakers everywhere. Until you have proven that you can actually sing, using auto tune on your first album only makes you look stupid. Auto tune wasnt made to cover your flaws. It was additional. The thing about RnB and what makes it different from other genres is that the human voice is not just a person singing with the melody. The human voice is an INSTRUMENT also. Ever wondered why some times you would get lost when you sang RnB songs at the karaoke? and you need the lyrics to guide you so you wouldnt get lost? Thats what I mean.

Anyway here are a few artists using auto tune for the greater good/fun/nothing better to do/too much money/they have talent and their fans know it so they dont give a.

1.T Pain
2.Chris Brown
3.Lil Wayne
5.Marques Houston
6.Lil Wayne
7.Snoop Dogg
8.R Kelly
9.Kanye West

These two dont deserve to be anywhere near hiphop and RnB. It makes me feel old saying this but these young cats dont make real music anymore.
So as a conclusion, stay away from auto tune until you have proved any solid form of talent because you are just fake that way. Nuff said.

C and Y

CNY is here again. Oh yeah. Nothing much to look forward to. As you age, the chances of you receiving red packets tends to dip.
Sigh, as you grow older, the world seems to grow colder.

Currently been listening to songs by 2PM such as
1. I was Crazy about you
2. All night long
3. Back to you
4. Gimme the light

those guys are awesome. Its just a pity they are one man short since Jay left.
Those guys sound great even with auto tune. On the other hand, I dont feel the same about all the other artists who use auto tune.
Lets start of with talking about auto tune. Its that robotic voice that was made famous by T Pain. I dont approve of artists using it before proving they have any solid form of talent especially new cats like Sean Kingston and Jason Derulo. Yes. Currently their two hit singles "Shawty like a melody" and "Whatcha say" has been playing from speakers everywhere. Until you have proven that you can actually sing, using auto tune on your first album only makes you look stupid. Auto tune wasnt made to cover your flaws. It was additional. The thing about RnB and what makes it different from other genres is that the human voice is not just a person singing with the melody. The human voice is an INSTRUMENT also. Ever wondered why some times you would get lost when you sang RnB songs at the karaoke? and you need the lyrics to guide you so you wouldnt get lost? Thats what I mean.

Anyway here are a few artists using auto tune for the greater good/fun/nothing better to do/too much money/they have talent and their fans know it so they dont give a.

1.T Pain
2.Chris Brown
3.Lil Wayne
5.Marques Houston
6.Lil Wayne
7.Snoop Dogg
8.R Kelly
9.Kanye West

These two dont deserve to be anywhere near hiphop and RnB. It makes me feel old saying this but these young cats dont make real music anymore.
So as a conclusion, stay away from auto tune until you have proved any solid form of talent because you are just fake that way. Nuff said.

Monday, February 1, 2010


So how do I pick up from my last one? Its been almost a month since my previous post. Havent set aside time to blog. Honestly, nothing much to talk about. I picked up World of Warcraft recently. Sigh. I have always loved online games. Well, its not about the grinding or questing but ALL about killing people. Ahem. I love killing in games yet I would never kill a fly. I only swat them and it so happens they die when I do that. Started playing a Troll Hunter and am now at lvl 56. *roar of the crowd*
Been playing online games since form 3. The first one was Elysium online. Then it was Ragnarok online. It was the best I tell you. Everyday PVP PVP PVP PVP.

Kindda semi retired from HON and Dota. Tired of some of the people I play with to the point it aint even fun if we win a game. Theres more than what meets the eye. It aint all about pawning people. Its all about HOW you pawn people and WHO you pawn people with. It bites when people start pointing fingers at KSers and start comparing who is better than who based on Kills and Deaths. Some people think a pro is determined by how many last hits, uber gear he farms and how rare he dies. In war, sacrifices must be made. Often if not for the death of a team mate, there can be no victory.

Heres an example (Kalau tidak faham, pandai pandai lah)

1 Magmus (tank)
2 Scout (damage)
3 Pyromancer (nuker/disabler)
4 Arachna (damage)
5 Blacksmith (nuker/disabler)

1 Plague Rider (nuker)
2 Wretched Hag (nuker)
3 Rampage (tank/damage)
4 Pebbles (tank/disabler)
5 Hammerstorm (damage/disabler)

Now say in a war, none of the heroes in Legion can break the Hellbourne. All they can do is throw pot shots at each other. The Legion are not advised to stick as Plague Rider's ultimate is just insane. The only way to break it is for Magmus to initiate the war by stunning in and drawing all the skills to him. If not, none of his allies can really take a beating. Magmus is dead for sure. But now the opponents skills are on cool down. Its time for his team to take them out. Hence, no victory without sacrifice. No fingers should be pointed and no numbers should be calculated.

I found out recently another friend of mine turned into a lesbian. Lord knows why this thing is so rampant now. I picked up a book on Psychology recently so I could understand humans better. (macamlah kau bukan) The booke talked about this in all the wonderful languages normal people wont understand but in a way, they are attracted to the opposite sex just like how drug addicts are addicted to drugs. They know its bad yet they cant quit.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

To be

Just want you to be my baby,
My lover and my lady to be,
Thoughts of you drives me crazy,
I believe we were meant to be,

I really want to know if you,
If you feel the same way too,
Feel the same way that I do,
The same way I feel for you,

Friday, January 8, 2010


So the latest news is that some church got torched by a gang of pyromaniacs in KL. God bless them for they didn't know what they were doing. Puts their religion to shame. Gives Islam a bad name. Why only in KL? We don't have to endure that kind of nonsense here in Sabah. Its about time Sabah went independent like Singapore I say. God damn. Here are 2 facts about Sabah. (credits to Ricardo Unto)

Fact 1 - Sabah should be stacking paper because its has oil.

Fact 2- Sabah is the most poverty stricken state in the country.

Once again, we don't need none of this nonsense here. 1 Malaysia? Please. These words are none other than honey coated corpses. Sounds sweet on the outside, rotten and dead on the inside.

Fingers have been itching for WOW lately. Just gotta get that trial account thing out of the way. Tons of things have been circulating in my mind lately. Dont even have the mood to play HON. I must be getting old I guess. There is FNM tomorrow and I dont even know if I want to join. Why?

1. Finding a parking space in City Mall on Sunday afternoons is like trying to find a virgin in a brothel.

2. My deck sucks. I'm trying not to play Jund because its gay.

3. I cant think of any other deck to play.

Must be going through that menopause thing that women always talk about. Done lost my mood for almost everything. I just wanna chill and listen to music. Been caught listening to these few songs on repeat for the past few days.

R Kelly - Number one

Trey Songz - Jupiter Love

Trey Songz - Upstairs

Trey Songz - I need a girl

Marques Houston - Body

Marques Houston - Favorite Girl

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kids and Magic

Well, life is back to the good old mundane. Back to screaming at kids who would choose Facebook over text book. Time for Pendidikan to do something like drop some educational stuff into Facebook. Them kids are too busy clicking away on Farm Ville and Barn Budy or what ever cafe and fish games.

"Those kids will kill you! THey wont kill me! I will kill them!"

Avatar was awesome I rate it a 5/5 no doubt about that I tell you. If you dont watch it, you better watch get in your ride and head to the cinema now. Watching it on the computer screen is no substitute for watching it on the big ass screen. It contains elements from games I love such as Command and Conquer, Magic the Gathering and World of Warcraft. Well the human soldiers and vehicles really looked like them C&C games we all love. Those floating lands really resamble the ones in Zendikar. With the modern equipment going dead in that area, it just makes sense with the potent mana circulating the area. Damn. I could feel goose pimples as I watched the floating land. It may meen nothing to some people. In fact It may not even raise and eye brow but damn, Imagine watching something from your favorite game in a movie so epic?

Watched Sherlock Holmes too. Was real nice of Jessica to keep me company for that movie. You will never catch Paul Lai saying "I gotta watch a detective movie!" Nah, never. But Sherlock was nice. At first the only reason I wanted to watch it was because the guy acting as Tony Stark AKA Iron Man is acting in the movie. I dont even know his name and I be calling him Iron man. So lets keep it that way. Its kindda cool I guess. It would have been kindda bland if not for the addition of fantasy elements in the movie. I love Magic. Cant help it. =P

Friday, January 1, 2010

Nu Year

So its the new year once again. 2010 has come, 2009 is no more. Last year was just plain terrible. Everybody is stepping into 2010 with high hopes. Lets just hope they dont get dashed on the rocks before they ever take off. Well, Im currently taking mild breaks from HON. TIred of being in a team of carry heroes. Giving world of warcraft a shot. Its a fun game but no game is cool if you go through it alone. Same thing goes for life. It has no meaning till you have people to go through it with you.

School starts for me on the 4th. Sigh. Back to the books. I hope I can balance out study time and time to make a living.


I bought a novel not too long ago. Agents of Artifice.

With so much free time on my hands now, I decided to get back into a little reading.
I just had to. The novel has been sittin gon my desk gathering dust for way too long now. That novel had two of my favourite planeswalkers Tezzeret and Jace. Was not too happy the way things ended in the book. I wonder if there will be a part 2 or something. Jace is just insane.